2024 skin tightening fractional gold rf microneedle machine,Beauty Equipment

2024 skin tightening fractional gold rf microneedle machine

Micro-needle RF machine is a combination of modern micro-needle rejuvenation, dot matrix pixel laser, RF and other technologies improved, through the insulating coating micro-needle into the subcutaneous dermis, the use of radio frequency, laser and other technologies directly acting on the dermis, then heating, the top of the micro-needle to play a role in protecting the epidermis will not be damaged and produce discomfort.  According to the human body to protect the regeneration capacity, the dermal layer of collagen in the heating, activation, regeneration, the collagen of the skin due to thermal denaturation and tightening the skin anti-aging effect.

RF Micro Needle Handle

Combine micro-needling and radio frequency (RF) energy, Improve skin issue.

Cold Hammer

Keep the skin in a low temperature paralysis state, reduce the tingling of the skin. Smooth the skin and reduce redness.

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